Benchmark Tool

Periodic comparison!

Our intelligent online do-it-yourself Benchmark Tool has been created to make you successful in benchmarking. We support you with useful gadgets in all parts of the process managing your surveys.

Adjust the Tool to your branding and demands and it becomes your Benchmark Tool. Setup the Tool with your benchmarking survey questionnaires, invite your members or clients to participate, manage the process, validate the data and let your members or clients create their own individual reports.

By requesting data from participants periodically, you can easily make a periodic comparison and show development of individual participants and, of course, reference groups.

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Challenges of conducting a benchmark survey

Challenge 1

Makeshift solutions

Have you ever tried to conduct a benchmarking survey before? What did you do? You created a questionnaire offline in Word or Excel. You sent out this questionnaire to the potential participants. You received the entered forms and you had to transfer it to some database or Excel. What if something was wrong in a specific questionnaire? You contacted the participant and got a new questionnaire. You got lost in the number of versions.

Challenge 2

Online inquiry

You had a special website which gave you some insight in the status of entering data. Online you could download the results to Excel. When you finally had all the data you started analysing. Again, what to do with outliers and changes in data by participants? After the analysis you had to create for each participant an individual report and send it to them. But with a lot of risk of sending a report to the wrong participant.

The solution

Make it easy

We have developed the Benchmarking Tools to help you. Our tools combine online data collection, online analysis and online reporting. Our tools give you the tools to deliver more value to the participants in your studies. Our Benchmarking Tools help you efficiently conduct a benchmark study and complete it successfully.


Benchmark Tool
Basic questionnaire
Your questions
Online interactive questionnaire
Allowing you to skip questions or require input
Online real-time interactive questionnaire
Real-time calculations on screen and complex visibility and requirement conditions
Periodical questionnaire
Reuse the questionnaire (as is or with amendments) for recurring surveys
Analyse manually
Basic analyses using Excel
Analyse online
Analyse online in the same tool as the questionnaires
Analyse real-time online
Real-time onscreen calculation and validations
Report whole group manually
Create one report of the group and send to all
Report individual manually
Create a report for each participant
Online report manager
Create and manage online report templates allowing you to generate whole group and individual report on the fly
Report generation
Participants create their own report from your templates with real-time calculated data. Both on screen or in PDF
Use relevant reference or peer groups
Set conditions to create peer groups automatically
Online individual analyses
Allow the participant to select its own output and create powerful analyses

Benefits of the Benchmark Tool

The Benchmark Tool offers many benefits to you and the participants of your surveys. Using our fully integrated system for data collecting, data validation, analysing and reporting saves valuable time for you and your participants.

Discover our unique online benchmark platform that facilitates periodic benchmark surveys. It is the perfect tool to professionalize your survey. You can use the Benchmark Tool for market surveys, industry monitors, function remuneration surveys, salary surveys, employee surveys, culture surveys, satisfaction surveys and any form of periodic comparison based on a questionnaire with the possible wish for feedback to the participants.

Benefits for you

  • Flexible questionnaire system with extensive system of controls and conditions.
  • Integrated analysis tools to validate the questionnaires.
  • Export possibilities for all individual data and group data.
  • Email system to invite, reminder and thank your participants for participating
  • Flexible system to create onscreen and pdf reports
  • Extra time you can spend directly on advising and supporting your survey participants.

Benefits for your participants

  • Online interactive questionnaire simplifying and speeding up data entry.
  • 24/7 access to their own data looking back, exporting and changing it.
  • Export and download reports with their own selection of peer groups.
  • Allow to create access for multiple users, with possible distinction between entering data and receiving output for the same participant.



The Benchmark Tool is an online system. You can manage surveys and set up a customer environment in which the participants of your surveys can enter their data, perform analyses and retrieve results in the form of dashboards and reports.

  • Customer environment in your corporate identity
  • Multilingual customer environment
  • Integrated email
  • Import/export master data
  • Excellent security
  • Participant emulation


Collection the data for your survey is one of the most important parts of the Benchmark Tool. We offer a very flexible questionnaire with various types of questions, optionally divided into pages. A survey can be one-off or periodic. Almost every conceivable scenario is supported.

  • Periodic data entry
  • Multiple questionnaires
  • Workflow management
  • Real-time calculations on screen
  • Data entry by direct link or logon


After input it is important to analyse the data before you are able to report on it. The Benchmark Tool supports this by applying data validation. We also offer the possibility to analyse data externally.

  • Data validation with individual and period comparison
  • Export participant data to CSV and Excel in various tabular formats
  • Scripting and event system that allows you to automatically forward data and analyze it externally


Of course you want to be able to present the results of the survey to participants. The Benchmark Tool contains extensive integrated reporting options. You can decide for yourself which options are available to the participant.

  • Online interactive dashboards
  • Downloadable freely configurable PDF reports
  • Downloadable table-based Excel reports
  • Configurable and conditional reference groups and panels
  • Extensive exports to CSV and Excel


We support you in carrying out your research. We provide advice and help with the implementation and maintenance of your benchmark research.

  • Advice on benchmarking
  • Help in organizing your survey
  • Reporting and dashboard training
  • Learning to analyze and validate data
  • Training on scripting and events

Prices and subscriptions

Bronze Silver Gold
Number of variables
Number of questions and calculations in your questionnaire
250 1 000 3 000
Number of data points per month
Number of variables stored per month
25 000
(enough for 100 respondents)
500 000
(enough for 500 respondents)
3 000 000
(enough for 1000 respondents)
Import master data and questions
You can quickly upload your questionnaire, participant and users via an import
Own logo/branding
Being able to set your own look and feel
Dashboard on the screen
Being able to show results of the assessment immediately after completing it
Reporting to PDF or Excel
Send assessment results by email as PDF
Export data
Be able to export entered data to Excel
Standard events
Being able to execute scripts/actions after a user action
Standard scripting
Options to create your own scripts that are executed
Own domain
Customer environment on own domain
Data validation
Results check by administrator
Extensive events
More events options to which you can respond
Import historical data
You can upload historical data and statuses via an import
Reference groups and panels
Make a comparison with sub-selection of participants
Extensive scripting
More scripting options
Support via email
Our help if you have questions or problems
2 working days 1 working day 1 working day
Training/implementation assistance first month
Help with setting up and getting to know the system
8 hours 16 hours 24 hours
30 day trail
Try it for free for 30 days
Price per month
€ 247 € 347 € 497
Request a demonstration

Use cases and best practices

Most useful

"The Compare 2 Compete Benchmarking Survey Tool offered by Compare 2 Compete provides French commercial golf courses with an efficient tool to follow the evolution of the national golf market. The Compare 2 Compete Benchmarking Survey Tool is most useful for individual courses to benchmark themselves with the market, and for GEGF as a group to present a reliable picture of the importance and evolution of golf business in France."

J. Tillement, GEGF

Guaranteed privacy

"One of the most important aspects of the cooperation is the unburdening. After our annual alignment, almost the entire process is taken out of our hands. From the invitations to the reporting, and that works very pleasantly. As a client, you also notice the enthusiasm with which Compare 2 Compete gets to work on the project. Equally important is the guaranteed privacy of the participants and the quality of the benchmark itself. Here, too, we can rely on years of expertise from the Compare 2 Compete team."

Michel Hamer, NOAB

Giving customers insight into how their helpdesk is performing

"With the Benchmark data, we get a clear overview of the performance of the customer's helpdesk. With this overview, we can give the customer an insight into how their helpdesk is performing against industry peers and if required by the customer, advice can be given for improvements for their helpdesk."

Danny Post, Experis

Great software and excellent service

"The interest in participating in the VEMW Energy Procurement Benchmark proved so high that it was high time to swap Excel for a professional programme. A programme that is flexible, secure, and reliable. That's how I met Compare2Compete. What a great software and excellent service! The software offers incredible possibilities and made the benchmark more professional."

Eric Picard, VEMW

The quality of the products is simply good

"Every year, SRA conducts the largest salary survey within the industry among its 380 members. SRA also conducts an operational and financial benchmark among its members and helps its members with culture insights and development. We have been using Compare2Compete's services in this regard to our complete satisfaction for many years. Not just because the quality of the products is simply good, but certainly also because of the excellent service Compare2Compete offers. Compare2Compete is involved, proactive, solution-orientated, customer-friendly and professional."

Theo Reuters, Head SRA-HRM