
Why organisations benchmark

7 reasons for business to use benchmarking

Does your business have a set of best practices? How were those best practices developed, i.e. was it through experience...

How to source data for benchmarking

How to Source Data for Benchmarking? Once you know what to benchmark the next step is actually to start the benchmarking process...

Improving financial business management with benchmarking data

Improving Financial Business Management with Benchmarking Data. “Profits,” “the Bottom line” and “Overhead” are the fundamental elements...

Why is benchmarking so critical to an organisation

Why Is Benchmarking So Critical to Your Organisation’s Performance? Why do organisations benchmark?

5 Reasons Why Associations Should Offer Members Benchmarking

Many businesses already know how to do benchmarking, but sometimes lack the required data to run accurate benchmarks...

General vs individual benchmarking

Many associations often overlook the benefits of member benchmarking. Associations that don’t currently run member benchmarks...

Generating Revenue through Benchmarking

Does your industry or business association have chapters? If so how many does it have? According to a 2016 benchmarking report...

How Benchmarking Can Help Business Associations Make Money and Attract Member

It is interesting to note that many of the reasons why businesses join an association correlate with reasons to benchmark...

Why All Successful Associations Benchmark

The short answer to this question is that benchmarking helps associations give precisely what businesses need to measure...

Why is benchmarking so important for associations and their members?

Benchmarking among members, 70% of the associations want to do it, but only 30% manages to conduct benchmarking...

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General vs individual benchmarking

Many associations often overlook the benefits of member benchmarking. Associations that don’t currently conduct member benchmarking surveys...

How to get reliable benchmarking data

Reliable benchmarking data is key in betting the desired results. Use some kind of validation of benchmarking data to improve the quality of data...

Creating and Using Reference Groups

One of the most critical steps to successfully benchmarking an industry is having validated reference groups...

We supply the tools

Our intelligent online do-it-yourself Benchmark Tool has been created to make you successful in benchmarking. We support you with useful gadgets in all parts of the process managing your benchmark.

  • Online questionnaire with realtime calculations
  • Analysis and validation tools embedded into the same tool
  • Online reporting through dashboards
  • Offline reporting through generated pdf reports